Other Links

Here’s just a few of the excellent websites that are available on the web.
So far we have a list of other wine making affiliated clubs.
Send us your favorites and we’ll add them to the list.

Amateur Winemakers of Canada (AWC)

Web: www.amateurwine.ca

Alberta Amateur Winemakers (AAW)

Web: www.aawm.ca/index.html

Amateur Winemakers of Manitoba (AWM)

Web: server.math.umanitoba.ca/homepages/tkucera.html/AWM/AWM.html

American Wine Society (AWS)

Web: www.americanwinesociety.org

Annapolis Valley Vintners

(Wine Club in Nova Scotia)
Web: https://valleyvintners.ca/index.html

British Columbia Amateur Winemakers Association (BCAWA)

Web: www.bcawa.ca

Canadian Amateur Brewers Association (CABA)

Web: www.homebrewers.ca

KW Winemakers’ Guild

Web: kwwinemakersguild.com

Wine Judges of Canada (WJC)

Web: www.winejudgesofcanada.ca

WineMaker magazine

Web: www.winemakermag.com



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