AWO History (WP)

About the AWO

In 1969, several local clubs banded together and incorporated the Amateur Winemakers of Ontario.  The AWO has since grown to over 33 clubs representing about 350 individual members.  The AWO is a club based organization with clubs located across Ontario, Canada.  Local clubs divide their energies among tasting, education, and social activities.  Each club finds the balance that suits the interests of its members.

Since its inception in 1969, The Amateur Winemakers of Ontario (AWO) has been the coordinating body for amateur winemakers in the province of Ontario, Canada.  The AWO is dedicated to the education of its members and the general public in the art and science of home winemaking.  The AWO also promotes the positive health benefits of moderate wine consumption and provides a forum for competitive judging of members’ wines.


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